Student Services
- Can I transfer without an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT)?
- As a student with a disability, how can I prepare myself for college?
- Can I call the Student Health Center for my test results?
- Can I complete my EOP&S contacts with a Promise counselor?
- Can I enroll as an international student if I am not 18 years old when school starts?
- Can I get a job through CalWORKs?
- Can I participate in the EOP&S program if I am enrolled in CalWORKs?
- Can I qualify for CalWORKs if I receive CalFresh (food stamps)?
- Can I take an online class as an international student?
- Can I visit the Health Center if I just need medical advice?
- Do I have to renew my GoPass?
- Do I have to return my Chromebook that I received from Citrus College?
- Do I have to tell the college that I have a disability?
- Do I need an appointment to visit the Student Health Center?
- Do I need to submit proof of English proficiency as an international student?
- Do I qualify for CalWORKs if my parent receives CalWORKs?
- Does Citrus College have an international student program?
- Does EOP&S have a study area in the department?
- Does the Health Center provide birth control options?
- Does the Student Health Center provide Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing?
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- How can I apply to EOP&S? Where is the application?
- How can I get credit for AP, IB, and CLEP exams, industry recognized credentials and military credit?
- How can I get credit for the Language Other Than English (LOTE) requirement for IGETC?
- How can I join student government?
- How can I qualify for a reduced course load as an international student?
- How can I transfer my I-20 to Citrus College?
- How can student clubs access their funds?
- How different are the disability services in high school compared to disability services in college?
- How do I activate an initial I-20?