Academic Information
- Are placement tests for Math and English done at the Testing Center?
- Can I enroll in a payment plan?
- Can I just take the transfer-level math class that is paired with a corequisite?
- Can I take a math class with a corequisite even if I placed directly into the transfer-level math class?
- Can I test out of taking a corequisite math class?
- Can I test out of taking English 101E or English 101?
Student Services
- Can I transfer without an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT)?
- As a student with a disability, how can I prepare myself for college?
- Can I call the Student Health Center for my test results?
- Can I complete my EOP&S contacts with a Promise counselor?
- Can I enroll as an international student if I am not 18 years old when school starts?
- Can I get a job through CalWORKs?