Many programs at Citrus College use text messaging to communicate with students, providing notifications, reminders, and essential information about their services. The process for opting in or out varies by program. By default, you will be enrolled to receive text messages from Citrus College using the cell phone number you provided during your application or subsequently updated in your student profile. To cease receiving texts from a specific program, you can simply respond with the word "STOP," and that program will discontinue sending you text messages. This allows you to select which programs you prefer to receive text information from. For service reminders such as Counseling appointment reminders, you can opt in for text messaging when booking your first counseling appointment and should inform the Counseling Department when you wish to opt out of text messaging. If you require information about text messaging from the Financial Aid Department, please consult their informative article on text messaging.
How to Opt In
Most programs will automatically opt you in to receive text messaging. Make sure to add or update your cell phone number online in your student profile:
How to Opt Out or Resume Texting
To opt out from individual programs, simply respond with the word "STOP." You will receive a text confirmation confirming your successful opt-out. To resume receiving texts, reply with the word "START."
How to Add/Update Your Cell Phone Number
Step 1
Go to
Step 2
Review your phone number(s).
- To add your cell phone number, click "Add New"
- To update your cell phone number, click the "Edit" icon under "Cell Phone Number"