Students are expected to attend all meetings of the courses in which they are enrolled. That said, there are additional requirements and expected behavior stated in policy related to coursework that requires travel off-site. Any class meetings that require a student to leave campus falls under the field trip guidelines and have clearly delineated expectations for chaperones, any college personnel who are transporting/participating in the offsite activity, and student participants.
Any activity that conflicts with a student's normal class schedule must be communicated in advance by the student to the Instructors in the classes where they will be absent. It is the responsibility of the instructor to notify the students of all such required activities early enough in the semester to enable students to attend all meetings.
Students and College employees will be expected to comply with all college regulations including those related to Student Conduct (per BP 5500 and Title 5 Section 55220).
AP 5070 Attendance
AP 4300 Field Trips and excursions
BP 5500 Standards of Conduct