Citrus College mails a physical diploma after graduation application is processed and approved.
Students also have the option to order a certified electronic credentials, known as a CeDiploma or CeCertificate. The electronic credential is an exact digital version of your physical Citrus College diploma or certificate using real-time, time and date stamped, fraud-proof validation. The electronic certificate is secured using Adobe digital signature technology to ensure trust in the qualifications. You may share you CeDiploma as often as you wish. You can send your diploma to employers as well as posting to social media sites like LinkedIn. You can download your diploma immediately after the purchase is completed.
Visit the digital diploma page to request your credentials.
Process to Download CE Diploma
- Student adds their credential to the cart and completes their checkout with PayPal.
- After payment, the Student will be redirected back to the CeCredential store where they will be able to download their credential.
- To validate the diploma, student will scroll to the 2ndpage of their credential account and click the “validate now” button. The student will then input their CeDiD into the text box. The CeDiD is located in the top left corner on page one.