To maintain F-1 Visa status, international students are required to be enrolled in 12 units in Fall and Spring Semesters. A student who wishes to drop below a full course load must obtain the approval from the ISC in advance and file a Reduced Coarse Load (CRL) request. An F-1 student who drops below 12 units without prior approval from the ISC will lose F-1 status. Before requesting an RCL, you must meet first with an Academic Counselor/Advisor, and then with the International Student Supervisor (PDSO).
Student may request a RCL in three cases:
- Academic Difficulties
- Improper course level placement (not the fault of the student)
- Initial difficulty with reading requirements (one time; first semester only)
- Initial difficulty with the English language (one time; first semester only)
- Medical Condition or Illness
- Student has medical condition (adequate medical documentation required; must show student needs to miss more than one week of classes)
- To complete course of Study in Current Term/Final Semester
- A student has less units remaining to complete their program than is required to maintain full-time enrollment (SEP confirmation required)
- At least 1 on-campus class is required (if also taking online classes)