To maintain status (F-1 Visa and I-20 active), international students should:
- Be enrolled in a minimum of 12 units every Fall and Spring Semester, unless they have prior approval from the International Student Center for a Reduced Course Load
- Be enrolled in at least 9 on-campus units during every Fall and Spring Semesters if using one online class to meet 12-unit requirement
- No online English classes allowed
- Maintain a minimum of 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA)
- Report a change of address, email, or phone number to the International Student Center (ISC) within 10 days
- Meet with a counselor/advisor before adding/dropping a class
- Must get permission from a counselor/advisor and an ISC staff signature to drop below 12 units
- Obtain proper authorization from USCIS before student begins working off campus
- Ensure that passport or I-20 do not expire
- Request a travel signature on the I-20 at least one week before leaving the U.S. in order to be able to return and continue with the education program
- Purchase Citrus College’s Health Insurance before registering for every Fall and Spring Semesters
- Pay all fees before the scheduled Drop for Nonpayment Dates advertised each term/semester