For current fee amounts, please visit the college's Fees and Tuition webpage. Noncredit classes are zero unit classes that are offered free of charge.
If you want to understand the total cost of education including room and board, transportation, and books and supplies, please review the Cost of Attendance article.
California residents attend Citrus College tuition-free and pay the enrollment fee and other mandatory fees. Nonresidents and International students are required to pay the additional per unit nonresident tuition, which consists of tuition and capital outlay fees. The enrollment fee is established by the legislature and is subject to change. The tuition amount to be assessed nonresidents and international students for the next academic year (beginning with the fall term) is established by the Board of Trustees.
Other mandatory fees include the GoPass, Health Service Fee, Instructional Materials Fee, International Students Application Processing Fee, Parking Fee, Student Representation Fee, Student Service Fee, and Transcript Fees.
AP 5011 Admission and Concurrent Enrollment of High School and Other Young Students
AP 5015 Residence Determination
AP 5020 Nonresident Tuition
AP 5030 Fees
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What is the difference between the enrollment fee and tuition?