The SSCG provides additional financial assistance to students attending at least 12 to 15 units per semester (24 to 30 plus units per academic year). Students will be automatically reviewed for eligibility for the SSCG. The SSCG provides students with an additional $2,596 -$8,000 annually depending on the number of units they are enrolled in. Students who are current or former foster youth whose dependency was established or continued by the court on or after the date on which the student reached 13 years of age are eligible for SSCG as well for up to $10,500 annually.
Student Success Completion Grant Eligibility
- Must be Cal Grant A (student with dependents only), B or C recipient
- Must be enrolled in at least 12 units per semester
- Must maintain satisfactory academic progress
- Students are encouraged to have a student educational plan (SEP) on file
- Have remaining unmet need
When is the grant awarded and disbursed?
SSCG is awarded at the time the Cal Grant is awarded to students.
Please view the Disbursements and Refunds Schedule for fall and spring Cal Grant and SSCG disbursement dates. Students who are awarded SSCG must meet the enrollment requirements and eligibility criteria at the time of disbursement. Disbursement is not guaranteed even if the award is "offered/awarded".
Award Amounts
Effective in the 2023-2024 academic year and forward
SSCG12: For students who begin attendance in 12 to 14.99 units
Semester Units (Fall/Spring): $1,298 per term
SSCG15: For students who begin attendance in 15+ units
Semester Units (Fall/Spring): $4,000 per term ($1,298 award + $2,702 award)
SSCGFY: For Foster Youth who begin attendance in 12+ units
Semester Units (Fall/Spring): $5,250 per term