Students who are awarded a Federal Pell Grant will have their Federal Pell Grant award recalculated each semester, on the published recalculation freeze dates found on this website under important dates and deadlines.
This recalculation is performed to make Federal Pell Grant adjustments based on any changes in enrollment status, after the initial disbursement and determine if a student owes a repayment. The final amount of financial aid Federal Pell Grant eligibility is based on the number of units a student is enrolled in on the recalculation freeze date.
Students who maintain the same enrollment status as they had at the initial disbursement will not owe a repayment.
Students who drop or withdraw from classes and fail to maintain enrollment in the number of units they were paid for are considered to have an overpayment and will be required to repay the difference in their Federal Pell Grant eligibility. See the article which disclosed the Federal Pell Grant proration amount based on the number of units enrolled.
In addition, students who add classes after the recalculation freeze date will not receive aid for the late added classes, as no adjustments to financial aid awards will be made after the recalculation date. However, any classes added prior to the recalculation freeze date, which starts after the recalculation freeze date, are eligible for disbursement.