A late-start class is a class that begins after the first week of the semester. Your initial disbursement may be less if you enrolled in any late-start classes. The reason is that we cannot pay you financial aid until you have started attending the class. Late-start classes are typically paid on or before the Federal Pell Grant recalculation freeze date.
For example
Student A is enrolled in
- 12 units total for the fall term
- 8 units begin on the first day of the fall term
- 4 units begin on the fifth week of the term
Student A is eligible for a $3000 ($1,500 first half of term/$1,500 second half of term) Federal Pell Grant for the full fall term. Note that Federal Pell Grant is disbursed in two separate Disbursements.
Disbursement 1 for the first half of the term
Student A would receive a $750 disbursement.
Why? Student A is only attending/starting eight (8) units so their disbursement will be based on 8 units. Therefore they are only eligible to receive half (50%). See this article for that breakdown: What is the minimum number of units I need to be enrolled in to receive a disbursement?
Disbursement on the sixth week of instruction (make-up disbursement)
Student A would receive the remaining $750 disbursement for the first half of the term
Why? Student A has now attended/started 12 units so their disbursement will be based on 12 units, or 100% since 12 units are considered full-time.
Disbursement for the second half of the term
Student A would receive $1,500 for the second half of the term.
Total Disbursed for Term
Student A would receive $3,000 for the fall term in separate disbursements throughout the term. Student A was able to receive the term amount because they enrolled and attended 12+ units for the term.