Step 1: Hiring Manager's Initial Assessment
- Job Posting: Complete the Request to Post Student Employment Position Form and submit it to the HR Technician overseeing student employment to post the job on the Current Job Openings for Students page.
- Identify Potential Candidates: Identify potential candidates for FWS positions within your external organization. Note that students must be enrolled at Citrus College.
- Check FWS Eligibility: Email the Financial Aid Staff member overseeing the FWS program with the student's name and Citrus College student ID number to verify the student's FWS eligibility.
Step 2: Confirmation of FWS Eligibility
- Verification Process: The Financial Aid Staff member will inform you about the student's eligibility status for FWS.
- Scheduling Interviews: If the student is eligible, schedule a job interview with the student.
- Offering the Position: If you decide to offer the position to the student, inform the Financial Aid Staff member of the number of hours the student will work weekly for the entire FWS period. This information is crucial for calculating and awarding the FWS offer.
Step 3: FWS Referral Form Creation
- Form Creation: The Financial Aid Staff member will create the FWS Referral Form for the student once the award amount is determined.
- Contract and Signatures: The FWS Referral Form serves as a contract and will include the award amount. Both the student and hiring manager must sign this form.
- Funding Dependence: Note that FWS funds depend on the student's aid eligibility and the availability of funds.
Step 4: Pre-Employment Processing
- Completion by Student: The student must complete any pre-employment processing required by your external organization.
Step 5: Clearance for Work
- Final Steps: Once pre-employment processing is complete and both the FWS Referral Form and Purchase Order (PO) have been finalized, the student is cleared to start working.
By following these steps, external hiring managers participating in the Citrus College Federal Work Study Program can effectively recruit and hire eligible students for FWS positions within their organization.