Increasing diversity of insurance professionals.
The Keenan Insurance Scholarships seek to increase the diversity of professionals working within the insurance, risk management, and financial services industry by providing scholarships to underrepresented students at California Community Colleges.
Student Eligibility Requirements
- (1) Scholarships are available to students enrolled in a California Community College.
- (2) Scholarship preference shall be given to underrepresented students who are working towards a certificate or degree in insurance, risk management, financial services or a related field, such as business administration, with a concentration in or focus on the insurance and benefits industry.
- (3) Applicants must be eligible for a California College Promise Grant or be experiencing other circumstances demonstrating financial need.
- (4) Applicants must be enrolled in and complete three (3) units each semester, or the quarter equivalent, in insurance, risk management, financial services, or related courses to be eligible for a scholarship.
What is the award amount for 2024?
- $600 per semester
- $1200 per academic year
How to apply
Submit your application to the Citrus College Financial Aid Department via the Financial Aid Request Form (make sure you click "sign in" in the top right corner before submitting this request). Scholarships will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, so make sure to submit your application as quickly as possible! The application is found in the Resources Section toward the end of the page. Here is the official webpage:
Student application period
February 1, 2024 - October 31, 2024, or until all funds are allocated. Because scholarship funds are limited, students are encouraged to apply as quickly as possible.